Revealed: The stupid things people say to wheelchair users

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Nick more than 10 years ago

in my defence

NO you've misunderstood what im saying. Im just saying she says all these people are mean, but she's just as mean because she's so bitter. if i was in a wheelchair i would at least try to be nice to people and be positve because then people would be more welcoming

Sarah more than 10 years ago


Sarah - you say Divya is mean (because she's so bitter), how can you say that because At NO POINT in the article does Divya say these people are mean. She does say "Lots of people speak out of ignorance, not malice, with good intentions underlying even the most stupid remark."
If you were in a wheelchair you would experience all the remarks that Divya is highlighting in her article. It has nothing to do with being nice to people, or being positive, as someone in a wheelchair has as much right as anyone to be who they are, whether that is happy, nice, curtious, or any other emotion that everyone of us experiences.

Clare more than 10 years ago

check this out

Jason more than 10 years ago


People talk to me bout my wife when she with me and ask me questions that they could ask her. check this video one of many with Alex Brooker

Jason Jones more than 10 years ago

Bit Harsh?

Sarah, there wasn't a single impolite comment nor did Divya slag anyone off !
Well written Divya, "Its amazing what 'they' can do isn't it? some of them are really clever".

I've never typed LOL before but 'wheelchair+ Stairs= total party'.....LOL,

Grahan more than 10 years ago

Bit harsh

To be honest I think Divya is overreacting. people don't say those things to be mean, they just don't get it. by slagging them off she's being just as narrowminded as them

Sarah more than 10 years ago


I can't believe you just said that. just leave you are an ignorant fool

Zoe more than 10 years ago


Let's put you in a wheelchair and see if you say that then.

Timothy more than 10 years ago

Think about it

People might not say this kind of thing to be "mean", but they do say it out of ignorance and a failure to think about whether their words could be offensive or just plain dumb. Wheelchair users shouldn't have to put up with this rubbish any more than black people should have to tolerate ignorant white people touching their hair, or women should have to tolerate men shouting sexual abuse across the street at them. How would you react to someone saying, “You look so normal for someone who’s gay / black / blind?” Challenging ignorant and hurtful behaviour is not narrow-minded and it isn't over-reacting. It's the only way the people saying this stuff will learn, and sometimes it’s the only way the people who have to listen to it can believe things might get better.

Rose more than 10 years ago

Caught out

She appears to have touched a nerve with you, obviously you totally oblivious to your own method of discussion with people in wheelchairs or your just an idiot. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and believe your just an idiot.

Jim more than 10 years ago

in my defence

NO you've misunderstood what im saying. Im just saying she says all these people are mean, but she's just as mean because she's so bitter. if i was in a wheelchair i would at least try to be nice to people and be positve because then people would be more welcoming

Sarah more than 10 years ago

in your defence

your responses underline your ignoranc - its clear you have misinterpreted the article. Read it again and then read the comments. if you still don't get it, don't bother replying..... hole...spade...dig....comprendez?

Kevin more than 10 years ago

love her

I love Divya I read her column every month and live in Kingston myself. She writes about difficult subjects with humour and life, it's so inspiring and fresh.

Zoe more than 10 years ago


people can be so rude!

Amy Clarke more than 10 years ago

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