4 STARS, January 17-20. Richard Davies enjoys a Noel Coward classic at the Yvonne Arnaud theatre in Guildford

Photo Credit: Sheila Burnett
Private Lives: A review in 2 scenes
Scene 1:
– I say, darling, do you fancy the theatre this week?
– What a divine idea! I could do with a night off from the box set. Anything good on?
– They’re doing Noël Coward’s Private Lives at the Yvonne Arnaud in Guildford.
– Isn’t that a bit old hat?
– Could be alright. You know it’s the one where two honeymoon couples share a hotel balcony in France, but it turns out that one chap used to be married to the other chap’s wife.
– Oh yes, very drôle. Anyone we know?
– One of them used to be in Eastenders…
– Oh well, never mind, let’s give it a shot. Kiss me darling
– Must I?
– Yes, you really must
Scene 2
– Well, that was rather fun, wasn’t it?
– Yes, dear old Noël, still as witty as ever. They don’t write plays like that anymore.
– No. Can’t imagine why.
– Wasn’t the set good?
– Simply delightful. The way they made it look just like a hotel balcony in France.
– And wasn’t it sweet the way Elyot and Amanda still had this thing for each other and were prepared to ruin other people’s lives for another chance of finding happiness?
– Only to discover that they still hate each other…
– Yes, but hey ho, c’est la vie.
– I don’t know why people say Coward’s characters are a bit one dimensional and lack emotional depth.
– Nor do I. I say, the French maid doesn’t have much of a part does she?
– No, couldn’t understand a word she said.
– But I thought the one from Eastenders – Helen Keeley was frightfully good as Amanda.
– Yes, frightfully.
– (Pause) Do you think people had more fun in those days?
– Maybe if you were upper class. Not so sure about everyone else.
– Does make you realise how times have changed. I mean some of the jokes sounded a bit off.
– Like when he says “Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs”?
– But then I suppose she does break all those gramophone records on his head.
– Yes and they were made of shellac in those days. Must have hurt a bit.
– Rather. (Pause) Do you fancy watching one more box set episode before we turn in?
– Yes let’s.
The End
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