The only way is Surrey

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Whoopee Do

Can't wait for the influx of the bottom of the barrel trying to get noticed on tv. These shows are always full of talentless, brainless morons, and don't show a true reflection on the place I call home. I hope it doesn't get comissioned.

Pete more than 11 years ago

what a joke

I cant wait to laugh so hard at these fake people living off their parents fortune, get a real life

lescott more than 11 years ago

oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

Not typical of Surrey whatsoever !!!

Lizzy more than 11 years ago

Surrey hills embarrassment!!!!

No thanks, we do.not need these sort of people representing Surrey. Surrey is a lovely beautiful place with lovely people, but I am ashamed to say with a few Ponsey idiots.

nicky more than 11 years ago

No thank you!

I really hope that this programme doesn't get commissioned. As an Esher resident, I can't think of anything worse than TV cameras following 'wannabe' celebrities around the local area. If 'The Only Way is Essex' is anything to go by, the programme will give people the impression that Surrey's youngsters are spoilt, sex-hungry bafoons. What kind of message will this send out to our children?

Susanne more than 11 years ago


tbh susanne, many of esher/cobham/weybridge youngsters are like that. but yes this show is obviously fail to represent the Surrey people who are down-to-earth and not superficial. Surrey is a better place to live as a 30+ with kids.

Joe more than 11 years ago

kingston first mpu

claremont mpu

js new

nvt mpu dec