The people of Guildford have worshipped God, as revealed through his Son Jesus Christ, in this parish for a thousand years. As their heirs and successors we seek to establish God’s Kingdom by offering holy lives and dedicated service. Our two churches were built for the worship of God, for the proclaiming of Christian truth and as places of prayer.
Holy Trinity Church - Guildford
High Street, Guildford, GU1 3HJ

Our Guide to Summer in Surrey
Brooke Theis rounds up the top events happening in Surrey this summer.
'Hamlet' Guildford Shakespeare Company Review
5 STARS: On until 23rd February
'Macbeth' review
5 STARS: 8th – 29th February
Your definitive guide to summer in Surrey
Brooke Theis rounds up the top events happening in Surrey this summer
Surrey Hills International Music Festival 2015
As this year's Surrey Hills International Music Festival kicks off, we take a quick look at the lineup of rising stars and eminent musicians that will be playing from April 30 – May 2
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Occam Singers perform Handel's Messiah
to -
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church
Pride and Predjudice - GSC at Holy Trinity Church