We asked to hear about people who go the extra mile for their communities. Jane McGowan meets the winners of the Essential Surrey Local Hero Awards...
Gill Walker
Gill Walker was nominated by Alan Goldrup for her work at Connect: an Effingham-based social group for people suffering from dementia and their carers. Gill, who has been a volunteer at numerous village events and on committees for almost 40 years, decided to take action after becoming aware of the growing number of local people affected by the condition
“I had heard that a dementia support group was running in Elmbridge, and so I went along to see if it was something we could do here too,” explains Gill.
“With the help of Kim [Plumpton, Minister of Effingham Methodist Church], I decided to set up Connect as a fortnightly group to support not only those with dementia, but also those who care for them.
“Dementia can be very isolating and we wanted to offer people the chance to socialise and reconnect – hence the name. I made flyers and put them in church halls, libraries, GP surgeries, chemists – everywhere I thought people in need of the group would visit.”
It worked: people came immediately. Today the group has between 14 and 15 couples not only from Effingham, but also from Horsley, Bookham Fetcham, Dorking and in the past from Epsom, Ripley and Woking.
“When visitors arrive we don’t ask about symptoms, or what stage people are at – everyone is welcome. And should the worst happen, the partner is always welcome to keep attending.”
For Alan Goldrup, the group has been a lifeline since his partner was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2015.
“When Connect started, my wife’s Alzheimer’s had reached the stage at which she was no longer company. We felt isolated and abandoned by many of those we thought were close friends.
“Connect provided the opportunity to meet other dementia sufferers and their carers and enjoy a little socialising and entertainment. The meetings became a highlight for us.
“Sadly, in early 2017, my wife’s condition deteriorated rapidly (she is now permanently in a nursing home) and she could no longer attend. I still go regularly though and, like others who similarly cannot now take those they care for, look forward very much to these occasions.”
The free group meets every other week in St Lawrence Church Hall throughout the year. And while Gill and Kim are the mainstays, Gill insists that she would be lost without her team of 12 trusty volunteers, whose duties include leading trips, doing jigsaws and washing up.
“They have all been touched in some way by dementia,” she says. “They’re a great crowd – everyone gets on so well.”
But while Gill puts it all down to “team effort”, Alan will hear none of it.
“She has done so much for so many people,” he says. “She really is a wonderful woman.”
For more about Connect – which is on the lookout for more male volunteers – contact Gill on 01372 457987
With thanks to prize sponsors GoBoat and Comptoir Libanais