Welcome to our brand new cycling column! This column is running in our monthly print magazines, and will now be a regular feature. We've popped in online too so no one misses out!

sky cycling ride social
Ride Social
Now, thanks to British Cycling's partnership with Sky, there's an even easier way of linking up with like-minded cyclists online. Social Cycling Groups has relaunched as Ride Social and is a great way to find out about rides in your local area.
You can even create your own route and invite other members to join in. To celebrate the new look website, there's an amazing opportunity to win a bike ride with a member of Team Sky.
Simply head to ridesocial.co.uk, create a ride that takes place before February 8, invite local cyclists to join you and share a selfie of your group on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with the hashtag #ridesocial. The prize-winning ride will take place in the spring and the name of the Team Sky member is to be announced this month.
Surrey Wheels For All
The brilliant Surrey Wheels For All initiative, run by the Cycling Projects charity, has set up two cycling hubs – one at the Sheerwater Track in Woking and the other at the Harrier Centre in Epsom.
At the hubs, trained leaders use specially adapted bikes to give cycling opportunities to children and adults with disabilities.
This summer, volunteers are planning to take the bikes on a fundraising ride to raise money to buy new cycles. They will travel from Epsom to Leatherhead on Saturday,
June 13 and Leatherhead to Woking the following day. More people are needed to join the team so if you are interested in getting involved, drop an email to: matthew.wing@cycling.org.uk
Bright Ideas
Bike lights are becoming so ingenious, it's hard to keep up. Here are two of the cleverest:
Brainy Bike Lights increase awareness and reaction in drivers by using an illuminated symbol of a cyclist as a bike light. The thinking is that the brain interprets the bike symbols faster than normal lights and drivers will be able to stop more quickly. Sounds like a no-brainer!
£36 for a front and rear set; brainybikelights.com. To win a set click here
See.Sense is a light set invented by cyclists with a group of rocket scientists, no less. This gadget is so intelligent that it knows just when to flash faster and brighter to make the bike more visible. Using cutting edge sensor technology, it detects when a cyclist is at a junction, filtering into traffic, travelling in low light or being approached by a car. Just plug into your computer to recharge.
From £79.99 a set; visit, seesense.co
Kingston Cycling Campaign
Kingston Cycling Campaign has created a useful little booklet with detailed descriptions and colourful maps of six quiet and scenic bike rides in and around Kingston. Get your hands on a free copy of Get Cycling by sending an email to info@cyclekingston.net
This month's best Surrey cycle route
Simon Bever, Barnes resident and founder of pedal-pedal.co.uk talks you through his favourite Surrey ride. Click here to view the route.
Cycle stat: 'Mamil', an acronym for middle-aged man in Lycra, has pedalled its way into the new edition of the online dictionary OxfordDictionaries.com