Controversial Norwegian underwear brand ‘Comfyballs’ comes to the UK after being banned from sale in the US

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we promise they will be available in the UK early next year, please check for updates

Alan Smith more than 10 years ago


How odd! For boys? I assume so. In the US they should patent them as "Comfynuts"! Less risqué but same thing!

@Fiatchfin more than 10 years ago

To Kingston Please

I don't care as long as they come to the Bentalls Centre ;)

Timmy K more than 10 years ago


We've become a Nation of cowards! America get a set before it's to late! Stop this mealy mouth Mickey Mouse non sense of protecting the rich special interest Donnie class at the expense of everyone else! It's un-American & it's shameful!

@haskinstheodore more than 10 years ago

draw the line

This is where we draw the line!!

@zoll_p more than 10 years ago


LOLOL...Must have juveniles running the patent dept.

@embryo101 more than 10 years ago


ri'dic'ulous.... Oops, #controversial

@JohnMcFarlene more than 10 years ago


controversial ?????????? #puritans

@ChristophePretr more than 10 years ago


but wouldn't it make a great #stocking-stuffer! #giftideas

@michaelannrowe more than 10 years ago


So a Victoria's Secret fashion show was televised nationwide, but I can't buy Comfyballs underwear. Thanks Obama.

@cpromise more than 10 years ago

Not his fault

Try the GOP/Tea Party and their religious fundamentalist allies.

Jay S more than 10 years ago


it does what it says on the tin though !! Lol

@DazzMace more than 10 years ago


That's nuts

@AshleyCurryOCD more than 10 years ago

comfort cup

ha! How about just calling it a "comfort cup"

@KrisOfGravyAge more than 10 years ago

Package Marketing

Marketing a package matters.

@jpcauthor more than 10 years ago


PLEASE tell me they will be sold all over Surrey!

James Wallbridge more than 10 years ago


some people have no sense of humor.

@miKllavotS more than 10 years ago

kingston first mpu

claremont mpu

js new

nvt mpu dec