As Guildford’s future hangs in the balance, The Guildford Society’s Annual Architecture Lecture is perfectly timed to offer some creative, long-term solutions to the planning challenges facing the town
Guildford is at a critical time in its history as it decides on the best path to adopt in the town’s draft Local Plan and draft Masterplan.
As such, The Guildford Society’s Annual Architecture Lecture could not be more timely. Co-hosted with the University of Surrey in partnership with the Digital World Research Centre, the lecture – entitled ‘Growth in the South East: An Opportunity For Placemaking’ – will demonstrate how careful planning is instrumental in protecting the character of towns and villages in the south east as populations continue to grow. The lecture is sponsored by Linden Homes and takes place on Thursday, November 6th at 6.15 pm at the University’s Rik Medlik Building.
The lecture – now in its eighth year – will be delivered by John Letherland, Director and Senior Partner of the renowned architect practice, Farrell’s. John has extensive experience in large-scale urban design projects having worked on the design framework for landmark schemes such as White City, Earls Court and Folkestone Seafront and is perfectly placed to comment on how to best approach the housing crisis in the South East of England.
“I’m honoured to have been asked to present the Guildford Society’s Annual Architecture Lecture – which is particularly relevant at this crucial time in the town’s history,” says John.
“Too often our existing towns and villages are littered with perfectly sound but disused existing buildings while introverted and anonymous cul-de-sac developments continue to sprawl at the edges of our towns.
"Can the character and personality of existing towns and villages in our small island be maintained – and indeed reinforced by – careful planning as the population drifts towards an urban lifestyle? Put another way: how we can turn the issue of growth into opportunities for placemaking.”
Bill Stokoe, Chairman of The Guildford Society said: “The Annual Architectural Lecture has long been a staple in the calendar of both the University and our Society but in a year when adoption of a new local plan and draft master plan have to be agreed, this year’s lecture couldn’t be on a more appropriate subject. Guildford has just one chance to get it right and the more opportunities to learn how placemaking can be achieved to best effect are very welcome.”
John’s speech will be preceded by a short presentation of The Guildford Society’s Crabtree Award to Perdita Hunt, director of Watts Gallery, for her role in the restoration of Watts Gallery and Limnerslease.
Linden Homes has a regional office based in Guildford and is currently working on a planning application for a new development within the grounds of Guildford’s landmark Cathedral which will enable the cathedral to set up an endowment to safeguard the cathedral’s future.
Admission to the lecture is free but to give an idea of numbers, registration would be appreciated to:
After the lecture which is expected to finish at 8.30pm, guests also have the option to take supper in the University’s Lakeside Restaurant (also located in the Rik Medlik Building). Tickets cost £20 per person and include a two-course meal, a glass of wine and coffee. Guests must pre-book by October 30 by calling 01483 459490.