Surrey Police officer charged with theft from Police tuck shop

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I had a police vetting form turned down by the Surrey Police force - they wouldn't say why. I've never stole, been arrested, or even come under the police radar in any way shape or from. It's good to know the vetting process works well...

William Poulter more than 9 years ago

pocket money

his mum should have given him more pocket money. Cant make a headline like that up can you!

Matthew Bearne more than 9 years ago

makes sense

To be fair, the police are paid awfully. He was probably hungry

Rod more than 9 years ago


lol takes a bigger one to catch smaller one

MarkHGrainger more than 9 years ago


hahahahah I can't cope with this right now

Sule more than 9 years ago


I do hope he didn't take all the twix bars! they are my #favourite.

Nick Faulkner more than 9 years ago


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