Richard Nye is driven to anger by the National Trust

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A fellow person who is 'out of it'

The below was emailed to Richard Nye and has been added by the Online Editor:

Mr Nye,

Apart from a rather entertaining column, your observation about the National Trust embracing the "new ways" was excellent.

You are right of course it is the NATIONAL TRUST for goodness sake! Something that ought to remain "out of it".

The National Trust gives pleasure to so many of us. Peaceful walks, elegant views and the obligatory little shop from where to purchase scrummy jam.

I am becoming disheartened with our techno-world, apps that do everything except put a kettle on! People wandering around the streets of London not looking where they are going because they are looking at their mobile telephones. What is that all about!
I digress somewhat, sorry about the ranting!

I hope you have written to the National Trust (or start some sort of petition) to let them know that they should not support the modern-techno-world. Spectacular space is on offer here, natures garden does not need a computerised voice asking you to choose an option and push a button!

I still remain a person who is "out of it". I do not clutch a mobile phone when going anywhere, much to the annoyance of my friends!

Thanking you for entertaining me.


Will Gadsby Peet more than 7 years ago


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