Locals fight to save elderly care homes from closure, a decision that could cause 437 job losses and 'total upheaval' for current residents
Party time
Friends and family celebrate their nan's 90th birthday at Park Hill with other residents
Surrey County Council’s consultation into the future of six local residential care homes has caused controversy.
The consultation, which runs until Friday 12 December 2014 and is being led by Surrey cabinet leader David Hodge, will determine the future of Brockhurst in Ottershaw, Cobgate in Farnham, Dormers in Catherham, Longfield in Cranleigh, Parkhall in Reigate and Pinehurst in Camberley.
Currently all homes face potential closure, as the council say the buildings are unsuitable.
The council say their preferred option is to close the service and move residents to a more appropriate facility. The three other potential outcomes to the conlsultation are: keep the homes as they are, extend/refurbish the homes or sell/lease the homes to another provider.
Speaking to Essential Surrey, campaigner Amanda Weston told us she felt it would be wrong to close the homes.
“We cannot let these homes be closed, because that is exactly what they are to the people who live there: homes” she said.
Amanda and Johnnie
Amanda and her Uncle Johnnie, who is a resident at Park Hall care home in Reigate
“There is a great sense of community and residents are like extended family to one another. The staff are amazing, there is always something happening and everyone is happy.
“The council have said the buildings are ‘too old’ which makes no sense to me as they were built between 1970 and 1990. Anything that is outdated can be easily fixed, and people I spoke to don't agree they all need en suite bathrooms, in fact it was felt they would make people less likely to ask for help.
“437 jobs will be lost and it will cost more to put people in private homes.”
Amanda added that the centres are much more than just homes for the elderly, as they offer rehabilitation, day wards for cancer patients and specialist care for dementia patients.
“This hasn't been thought or investigated properly” she added.
“Park Hall is truly a special place, it is full of some very special people, the staff do there roles with great care, compassion and dignity. It is only the residents that are going to suffer if Park Hall was to close! !!!! Please please can everyone show there support!” commented a supporter on the Facebook page set up to save the care homes.
Click here to sign the petition to stop the closure. Feel strongly about this? You can attend the Public Meeting on Saturday 29 November, 2pm at the Harlequin Theatre.
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amanda weston more than 10 years ago