Guildford Club launches cashless drink app

Comments (10)

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I don't think it will encourage people to drink more. it may encourage phone thieves though with so many on display??

Dale more than 9 years ago

further drinking

personally , i think it could encourage further drinking as its not like parting with real cash .

Ashley Curry more than 9 years ago


still the hassle, isn't there? just using paypal rather than queuing. also, queuing can be sociable.

Emily Wight more than 9 years ago

great idea

I think it's a great idea. Where was this when I was in my 20's? Oh yeh, no mobiles yet ;-)

Gwumpy Kat more than 9 years ago

Bad plan people

In an age where binge drinking is a huge problem, this app is the last thing we need

Louise Baker more than 9 years ago


thts amazing can't wait needs to be in all clubs queues are a nightmare and totally crash my buzz

ZoeRoxx more than 9 years ago


mmmm dangerous imo.

Ashley Curry more than 9 years ago


what a terrible idea, will just encourage drunkenness as people now don't have the incentive of the long queue to wait that bit longer for the next drink

Tina more than 9 years ago


How is it stupid? It's a great idea as it means people don't leave the house with a tonne of cash on them and are less likely to get mugged

Joshua Bage more than 9 years ago

This is why its stupid...

Drunk + Phone = losing your phone. And may I add you could possibly have no security on your phone which means your Paypal account could be wiped clean :) Common sense is disappearing

Mr Bean more than 9 years ago


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