Convicted murderer who absconded had killed a woman in a graveyard

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Such a nice guy when I first met him, then he suddenly changed

Bob more than 9 years ago


why oh why was he allowed on home leave?!

Lucinda Barton more than 9 years ago

Judge Jeffreys

Call me Judge Jeffreys, but perhaps a convicted murderer shouldn't be on "home leave" :-O.

HerbertChapman more than 9 years ago


I wish "life" meant life. Why on earth is he allowed out unsupervised?!😡

McQuacks more than 9 years ago

convicted murderer

Begs the question, why is a convicted murderer having home leave in the first place?

Lee Oulds more than 9 years ago

Why doesn't this surprise me !

For murder life should mean life, where is the justice for victims & their families?

Dutchy100 more than 9 years ago


he may have changed onto different clothing


Armchaireverton more than 9 years ago

convicted murderer

How does a convicted murderer get home leave?!!!!

James Wallbridge more than 9 years ago


because he's been in prison for 34 years

Judge Jefferies more than 9 years ago


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