Albert Stanley absconds
A convicted murderer who absconded while on home leave in Guildford was serving time for beating a woman to death in a graveyard. Emily Davis reports
A prisoner serving a murder sentence has absconded while on home leave in Guildford
Albert Edward Stanley, aged 63, was given a life sentence for murder in 1980, committed in East Sussex.
His victim was Johanna Harriman, a 22-year-old typist from Worthing, who was described as 'a quiet girl, without a regular boyfriend, who spent most evenings at home'.
Police found Harriman lying dead under a pile of leaves in a churchyard. She had been beaten and was naked from the waist down. Her tights were found near her body.
It emerged that the pair had met a few hours earlier at Worthing’s North Star pub, where they had drinks together. They were later seen kissing and leaving the pub together.
At the trial, neighbours testified to hearing screams coming from the graveyard.
Stanley was sentenced in East Sussex, but transferred to HMP Leyhill in South Gloucestershire in 2013.
Yesterday, Stanley failed to return to the prison yesterday following a period of home leave in Guildford, Surrey.
Avon and Somerset Police are now appealing for the public's help in finding the absconder, who is known to have links with Surrey and Sussex.
Described as a white male, 5ft 9ins, around 12.5 stone, he has a scar to his left eye and left cheek and a tattoo of a scroll on his right upper arm.
He was last seen yesterday morning wearing blue jeans and a navy jacket with tan lace up shoes, however, he may have since changed into different clothing.
Anyone spotting Albert should not approach him, and call the police on 999.
Comments (9)
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Bob more than 10 years ago
Lucinda Barton more than 10 years ago
Judge Jeffreys
HerbertChapman more than 10 years ago
McQuacks more than 10 years ago
convicted murderer
Lee Oulds more than 10 years ago
Why doesn't this surprise me !
Dutchy100 more than 10 years ago
Armchaireverton more than 10 years ago
convicted murderer
James Wallbridge more than 10 years ago
Judge Jefferies more than 10 years ago