The 24th annual Adult Learners' Week takes place June 13-19, a national tribute to lifelong learning, and one of the founders of Kingston Philosophy Café is celebrating with a new venture
Barrie Selwyn helped establish the Kingston Philosophy Café in 2007, for those interested in exploring the key ideas that have shaped and changed worldviews throughout history and the modern day.
The café takes place on the last Wednesday of every month at the Druid’s Head Pub in Kingston Market Place - you can email for more information.
To celebrate Adult Learners’ Week, Barrie's launching a new philosophy circle this month at Richmond Adult Community College.
The new Richmond Philosophy Circle at RACC presents a philosophical exploration of guilt in Enemy Within on June 16 at 7pm. Admission is free.
You can also discuss happiness with a team of philosophers, psychologists, musicians and artists in Culture Salon – What is Happiness? on June 19 at 7pm, where admission is £5.
For more information and to reserve places at both events contact:
You can find local Adult Learning events on the ALW website