People are now realising that we are literally killing our planet and ourselves by consuming huge amounts of meat, dairy and other animal products. Many companies are now realising this and developing more options, whether it’s supermarket chains like M&S Plant Kitchen range or Tesco’s Wicked range, or US companies like Beyond Meat or Moving Mountain who now have their burgers in supermarkets and restaurants. I mean even McDonalds has launched a vegan happy meal! Nearly every pub or chain you go to has a vegan option. It is just proving that Veganism is soon to be seen as normal and not extreme, and definitely not restrictive or a fad. It’s evolution!
The health benefits are an added bonus, although people need to be aware that eating vegan junk food isn’t going to be the healthiest option, we can still eat it in moderation. For full health benefits, it is important to eat a whole foods plant-based diet because this can help reverse diabetes type 2, helping people avoid cancer, or heal their bodies in various ways, from skin issues to gut health. Also, cutting down the risk of the biggest killer, heart disease.
I was a vegetarian from my early twenties and always had a love for animals, and I remember as a child I didn’t want to eat certain animals such as rabbit and duck. I understood back then the destruction animal agriculture had on the planet and how by cutting out meat we could essentially feed the world and put an end to world hunger. However, I had always believed being vegan was too hard, although that said, 22 years ago it wasn’t so easy. But fast-forward to now it’s never been easier and more exciting to be vegan!
I wanted to create a safe and warm environment for people without judgement so whether people are vegetarian, vegan or looking to transition they are all welcome. Surrey Vegan started as a Facebook group to find and connect with like-minded individuals in Surrey. I thought I was the only vegan in the village until I realised how many others there were. From there it just grew and grew.
It seemed natural to then set up Surrey Vegan Events and 2016 saw us organise a vegan fair in Guildford, where we expected 200 – 300 people and 900 people showed up including Lucy Watson! Since then we have held two more annual fairs in Woking where actor Peter Egan has always provided his support and the opening address speech.
"What’s great about markets is they are reaching a wider audience and I would say that approximately 70% of the people who come would identify as non-vegan!"
Following on from this, last year I set up the regular monthly markets in Walton on Thames where once again our expectations were exceeded and we sold out of all food and food-related products by 12.30pm! We had some disappointed and hungry people, however, the traders learned that the demand was there and to bring more food the next time! I believe 2019 is set to explode!
What I want people to realise is that vegan food is not just lentils and tofu like I believed 22 years ago and that anything they eat now can be ‘veganised’, you don’t have to sacrifice anything. By eating and shopping more compassionately and consciously we can all make a huge difference to the planet, the animals and our own lives.
Anyone interested in learning more or trying a vegan diet I would say try Veganuary or look at Challenge 22 where you get full support and don’t feel alone. I would also say come visit our market try some of the food, find out more or join our group and we will support you on your journey. Everyone is on their own journey in their own time, and the important thing is to try it because you might be surprised at how good you feel physically and mentally.
Louise Simpson, founder of Surrey Vegan